Name: Nikita
D.O.B.: 04 Sept
Lang: ENG, FR, РУС
Russian-American madman who will eat you like Baba Yaga
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Music has always been a very important part of my life, and it's something I always want to share with friends and family. I think music is an expression of the soul, regardless of the genre or theme of the song. Some songs are meant to spread a message, and some are more just for fun, which are both a part of the human experience.
This page is meant to make information on bands from all around the world accessible to English-speakers. While I only speak two languages currently, you can find a lot of Russian information on bands from former USSR republics, so it won't be limited to just Russian and French-speaking bands.
As per usual, I'll be taking requests via the guestbook or emailing me directly. View to-do list