A drawing of Tomo Sakurai from Lemon Angel, from a PC-98 game

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PC88-BITS - 177


177 is a PC-88 game developed by Macadamia and released by dB-SOFT in 1986. In the game, you play as a man who is chasing a girl across town with the intent to rape her. I'm not sure if the game is a satire or if it's just simply the premise the devs decided on for whatever reason. In a very on-the-nose fashion, the game is named after the Japanese penal code that forbids actions such as rape.

While I don't hear much about the game outside of people being (rightfully) repulsed by it, I have heard that it caused some controversy upon release in Japan. While games featuring nonconsensual sex weren't new, this apparently was the most graphic game on the topic to have come out at the time. I would be inclined to believe this, if only because I haven't even come across a PC-98 game with the kind of gameplay this game has.


The game is separated into two acts. In act 1, you play a simple arcade style game where you chase the girl and avoid obstacles. Occasionally a sign with a turning arrow will show up, and if you jump up to touch it, the girl will make a wrong turn and the game will last longer. These signs show up multiple times, so it's okay to miss one or two, so long as you know where you are on the map.

You have multiple lives, so you get multiple chances to catch the girl. The game makes this pretty hard with the number of obstacles (and its noticeable slowdown), but I have seen someone complete the game before. When you get close enough to the girl, you'll be able to take off one article of her clothing—in order to proceed to act 2, you'll need all her clothes off.

Act 2 is the rape scene. I was actually surprised when I saw this, since you basically control the thrust and angle of your character with the arrow keys. In the left corner is a flower, and the goal is to get the flower to drip a handful of times (done by keeping the girl's 'desire' up, seen in the righthand corner) before your power runs out, basically satisfying her sexually. If you fail to do this, the game slaps you with the 177 penal code before the game restarts at act 1 on a higher difficulty. The game has about three positions to choose from whenever you end up on act 2, which is... interesting.

If you manage to satisfy the girl, you get the most bizarre ending I've ever seen, where the girl wants to marry your character! I don't take this game very seriously (as in, I don't believe this game was directly advocating for rape), but I'll leave the screenshot of the ending here because you really need to see it to get the full effect. The screenshot is not mine and was taken from The Spriter's Resource, since I don't think I'm ever really going to be able to beat this game. Be warned, since acts 1 and 2 are available on there, and there is adult imagery.


There is a longplay of this game available on the Internet Archive. I'd rather not link to it, however it's pretty easy to find if you just search up 'PC-88 longplay'. Additonally, there is a walkthrough on GameFAQs, though I'm not sure if English is their first language, since it's very strangely worded in some places and I had to look up the longplay to understand it.


This game is ridiculously hard. If you do plan on trying to beat it... Good luck.

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