There are a lot of lizards on the property! While I've encountered a couple different types, I've only been able to catch the western fence lizards that live in my yard. They're good for preventing lyme disease, because they have something that cures it in their blood. I don't think people use it to cure it on themselves, but if a tick bites them, they won't carry the disease anymore.

Please enjoy my gallery of lizards (and other animals I've held) that are very unhappy with being picked up. I don't always get a picture of me holding them, so in some of them the animal might just be vibing. Feel free to open these in a new tab if they're too small. Hover over each image for what it is!

A western fence lizard trying to escape my hand. A western fence lizard giving me the stink eye. A western fence lizard with the angriest face I've ever seen. A western fence lizard, plotting his escape from my (admittedly weak) grasp. A baby bird full of indignation. I picked him up because I thought he was injured, but he was fine. Little garden snake. I showed him to my mom before putting him in some foliage. Froggy! A beautiful monarch butterfly. I think it was injured, because I've never seen one let me get THAT close.