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Year: 1993
Album: Танцевать до утра
Genre: Europop
Alena Apina is a Russian pop artist who started her career working with the group Комбинация. In the 1990's, she went off to her own solo career, and has been largely successful since.
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Original Language | Target Language |
Сижу на свадьбе у любимого, а он целуется с другой. Не позабыла я любимого, и он меня не позабыл. Все так не просто. Все так не просто. Я не пойду за нелюбимого - зачем обманывать себя. |
I'm sitting at my sweetheart's wedding, and he's kissing someone else. I haven't forgotten my sweetheart, and he hasn't forgotten me. It's not so simple. It's not so simple. I won't marry someone I don't like - why kid yourself? |