A drawing of Tomo Sakurai from Lemon Angel, from a PC-98 game

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No video is available for this song. For copyright reasons, I'm not going to host the song here, but you can listen to it on Musify. There is a likelihood you may be able to find it on other MP3 sites, if Musify is not for you...

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Year: 1990
Album: Танцуй
Genre: Synth-pop

Студия Гран-при is an early post-Soviet synth-pop band. Soloists were Irina Minina, Vladimir Kopysov, Yuri Mikheev.

Click here for more information on this artist.
Click here for more songs by this artist.

Студия Гран-при - Марина

Original Language Target Language

С твоей печалью день не светел,
И ночью хмурится луна.
И как я раньше не заметил,
Что ты была так влюблена.

Марина, день, как сон пустой,
Марина, не грусти,
Марина, подожди, постой,
Марина, всё забудь и прости.

Прости за то, что не встречаю
И не дарю букеты роз
И иногда не замечаю
В глазах твои дождинки слёз.

Твоя улыбка мне дороже
Небес, умытых синевой.
И я вернусь ещё, быть может,
В наш зимний день вдвоём с тобой.

The day isn't bright with your sadness,
And the moon frowns at night.
And how didn't I notice sooner,
That you were so in love.

Marina, the day is like a vacant dream,
Marina, don't be sad,
Marina, wait, hold on,
Marina, forget everything and forgive.

I'm sorry I don't meet you
And give you rose bouquets
And sometimes don't notice
Little tear drops in your eyes.

Your smile is dearer to me,
The skies bathed in blue.
And maybe I'll return again,
Together with you, to our earthly day.