A drawing of Tomo Sakurai from Lemon Angel, from a PC-98 game

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Coco might also be a reference to Coco Chanel. I didn't make this connection for literal years. Sorry lol

Year: 1984
Album: T'as le look, Coco
Genre: Synth-pop

Laroche-Valmont is a French magazine publisher turned one-hit-wonder of the 1980's.

Click here for more songs by this artist.

Laroche-Valmont - T'as le look, Coco

Original Language Target Language

T'as le look, coco
Coco, t'as le look
Pas de doute, coco
T'as le look qui te colle à la peau
T'as le look coco
Tu fais le beau
Pas de doute coco
T'as le look qui te colle à la peau

Look amoureux fauché
Je t'aime en PCV
Look drogué du seizième
T'es bon shit bon chanvre
Look jeans pourris et sandales
Hey, t'as pas cent balles ?

Nœud pap', cigare et smoking
Ça, c'est le standing
Ensemble Coco Chanel
Pour les vraies demoiselles
Look costard bleu et cravate
Hey, t'as les mains moites

You have the look, darling
Darling, you have the look
Without doubt, darling
You have the look that fits you
You have the look, darling
You look good
Without doubt, darling
You have the look that fits you

A broke lover's look
I love in PCV
Dopey look at sixteen
You're good shit, good hemp
Shabby jeans and sandals look
Hey, don't you have a cent?

Bowtie, cigar and smoking
That, it's high-class
Coco Chanel ensemble
For the real girls
Blue suit and cravat look
Hey, you have sweaty hands