A drawing of Tomo Sakurai from Lemon Angel, from a PC-98 game

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Captions: OK ✅ Reference: OK ✅ Reprint: NG 🚫 Copy: NG 🚫
I generally don't have a problem with people using my translations, but I'll outline a few Dos and Don'ts:

Are you using my translations for subtitles?

This is fine, as long as the translation isn't the sole purpose of the video. For instance, if you're making a project with a song in it, and want the song to be understood? That's fine! But if you're just making a lyric video, please refrain. (Basically: Don't make the translation the sole focus of the work.)

Do you want to reference my translation when translating into another language?

Go for it! I don't really think it will help (since things of course get lost in translation and I may have made some weird choices), but if you need to get the meaning across and don't need it to be 100% accurate, then I won't stop you.

So what can I not do?

At most, I ask that you don't reprint or claim my translations as your own. If you're translating the same song into English, then you're free to see how I worded any confusing phrases, but don't just make yours a carbon copy!

Additionally, you can always just ask me to post my translation elsewhere, too. I generally have my own reasons for not posting everything on LyricsTranslate, but I would understand if you wanted it in a more accessible place.

Credit is preferred, but only necessary for use outside of reference.
Is something still confusing you? Don't be afraid to email me!