Date created: 30-Aug-2019
Version: 231005-151123+!Mt
(Alt. 4.3)
Updates: 15
Completed: 488
Published: 138
Pending: 42+18... 60
Major sections: 6
Subsections: 10
Images: imgbb
Audio: filegarden
Video: filegarden + YouTube
Extra code: Neocities
PC98, Gaming, Computers, Translation, Music
Credits & attributes / Kingrat's graphics / Friends of the site
Update history /
Pending updates /
To-do list
Legacy pagesEvery iteration of /kingrat I have available.
Presented as-is, with no code modification. This means some pages will be broken. (static):
2022 (1)
2023 (1)
Is there something you want to know about the site specifically? Well, here is the place to look!
The old site had some equivalent of this, though it was available on every page through the footer. I no longer have one of those, so I have to do it this way, but this makes it easier to organize for me.